Sunday, June 12, 2011


I'm still getting use to my cintiq...its not at a good height for me to draw and my arm gets tired really fast. I'm going to think about investing in a new desk and cintiq arm for it. Maybe, one day lol.

Here are some things I doodled, and I colored that Rainbow Brite picture from before. Boop!

ALSO! Girls Drawin' Girls is coming out with their new book, The Way Nature Made Her, and I'm in it! My Deadly Nightshade illustration will be in there. Please, if you're interested in the book pre-order! It will help all the girls cover the cost of printing the book and will help us make more books. So check out the awesome girls who are apart of it and hope you'll pre-order. You can get them at SDCC too I believe, so you can view them live there if you're going to be attending. Yay books!


Daniel Krall said...

Your cartooning is looking fantastic!
Hope you're doing great!

Aisleen said...

Hey Krall! Thanks for stopping by! Super glad you like my cartooning stuff, I've been learning a lot out in the game industry. I'm in Cali now too! I miss Baltimore a lot though. Hope you're doing kick-ass yourself :)

Ted Terranova said...

Hey that's awesome you're going to be in that book. Nice. And I love the 2nd image down.